And Yet He Lived? by Cornelius L. Barker and Claudette J. Searchwell |
A Breakthrough Reading Experience for Pre-teens and Young Adults |
David's world was one of constant trials and tribulations. Many of them grew out of the bad choices he made, while others were beyond his control.
This book is based on the premise that we all make choices that greatly influence our lives.
Hopefully, this book will aid you in encouraging your students to make the right choices.
Do you remember! Activity sheets are at the end of each section. They are provided to increase vocabulary, improve comprehension and elevate creative writing ability and crucial thinking skills.
David lived a life that a soap opera writer would appreciate. Brought up living in the projects by a loving mother and an abusive father. David's only sincere friend was a rat. At school he tried to make friends by being the class clown. Principals and teachers misunderstood his search for recognition and acceptance and rewarded his actions with frequent punishments and suspension. David was admitted into a street gang called The Conti-Boys. They were thugs who carried weapons and caused problems in the neighborhood. The gang family gave him the ability to prove to himself and to others that he was an important part of the group. However, David began to have misgivings when he was placed in an awkward position. Was it really worth it to be recognized as a Conti-Boy?
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About the Authors |
Cornelius L. Barker
is a much sought-after lecturer for school and
community groups on the subject of current cognitive and behavioral trends exhibited by
today's youth. His career in education has spanned more than 25 years in the
capacity of classroom teacher and administrator on both elementary and secondary levels.
He is currently serving as a building administrator in a large secondary school.
Claudette J. Searchwell
is a retired elementary school principal, whose career
spanned 34 years in the public schools. Her service in the field of education included
posts as classroom teacher, assistant director of a federal basic skills program,
coordinator of citywide after-school and summer programs, assistant principal and
principal. She is now a member of the adjunct staff at Kean University, Union, New
Jersey, serving as supervisor of pre-certification students completing their senior
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E-mail author: Invite author for interview: 201-659-8872 Fax: 732-254-2610. |
Published by CORDET BOOKS INC. P.O. Box 6899, Jersey City, NJ. 07306-0899. ISBN # 0-9678378-4-7, 107 pages, $19.99.
To order: Call 201-659-8872. Quality Books for Dedicated Educators.
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