Children are natural learners, and by opening up the world of learning potential, parents can make it possible for their children to increase their intelligence. It is important to stress that any parent can help their child, there are numerous ways to make it possible for kids at any age.
The basis of intelligence is the capacity to generalize, and build upon what has already been learned. About Pedro Portes, Ph.D., is a leading educational psychologist in the field of learning and human development.
He is currently a professor at the University of Louisville, teaching courses in learning and cognition, evaluation, adolescence, and human development. Portes Books Butler Publishing Company, 2002 Ardsley Road, Louisville, KY 40292, Fax: 502 852-0629 Faculty Members may examine Making Kids Smarter for 30 days at no charge. If your bookstore orders 10 or more copies, the book is your to keep. If you decide not to order, please return the book within 30 days in the return envelope provided with your trial copy. To receive a copy, please contact us at the following: To Order Your Exam Copy: Phone 502 852-0630, Fax 502 852-0629 E-mail Address: prport01@louisville.edu The other web address: http://www.louisville-edu/~prport01