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Apostles and Prophets: The Lost Faith of the Apostles and Prophets  by Yisrayl Hawkins


The Lost Faith

of the Apostles and Prophets

History and Prophecy

by Yisrayl Hawkins

The Lost Faith is once again revealed after almost 1900 years, along with the history of its suppression.

    Theologians admit that the religions taught and practiced by the Messiah and His Apostles are far different than what is taught and practiced as religions in today's world.  This book explains these differences and shows how The Faith, once delivered to the Saints, was lost to the world.  The Messiah and His Apostles taught that the only way to receive the promise of eternal life and enter the soon coming Kingdom was through The Faith.

    "I know thy Works!" The Lost Faith of The Apostles and Prophets, brings forth the true Faith once delivered to the Saints.    The True Faith is the Works performed by the Disciples, under the guidance of the Messiah.  The Works they did were to teach the every Word found in the Scriptures--the Prophecy and Laws.

The Scriptures say: Those who break His Law are of Satan...

The Scriptures say: Sin is the breaking of the Law...

The Scriptures say: Unless you repent you will perish...

The Scriptures say: If you say you know Him and do not keep His Law that you are a liar and the Truth is not in you...

The Scriptures also say:  That many deceivers have gone out into the world.  Their deception has caused much confusion and has misguided this world to the point that it has come to the brink of destruction.  Our leaders say; Peace, Peace, but there is one war!

    Although the Holy Scriptures have warnings and instructions for every man, woman and child who has ever lived, our Heavenly Father ultimately deals with a SINGLE GROUP of people.  These people were always called out by a power unknown to the rest of the world.  It is these people that this book deals with.  Through his book a person may recognize and acquaint himself with this group our Heavenly Father dealt with in the past, is dealing with now, and will continue to deal with in the soon coming Kingdom.

    You will learn about the organized national deception that took place shortly after the deaths of the Apostles, and the dangers each individual faced then, and you face now in regards to this Faith that promises life to those who keep His Laws and eternal death to those who will not.  You will also learn what the Lost Faith is and is not. 

    The Lost Faith is once again revealed after almost 1900 years, along with the history of its suppression.



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Books-A-Hoy Publishers, Inc. P.O. Box 5555, Abilene, TX 79608. Tel. (915) 672-9492, Attn:  Tamamyah, 198 pages; price $19.00; ISBN 1-890967-00-9

To arrange author interviews, call : Shaul (915) 529-4109

Other Books Written by Yisrayl Hawkins

Devil Worship:  The Shocking Facts!

Can We Avoid The Next Holocaust?

There Is Someone Out There!

The Lost Faith of the Apostles and Prophets.

Unveiling Satan!  Her True Identity Revealed


The End When? How Do We Know!

His Latest Books:  The Peaceful Solution Vol. I & II Now on Audio

Book-A-Hoy Publishers, Inc.

P.O. Box 5555

Abilene, TX 79608

Tele-Fax (915) 529-4109

To arrange author interviews: call Shaul at (915) 529-4109

Website www.outcrybookreview.com/BHawkins.htm

E-mail: peacefulsolution@end-war.com

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