Children's Books

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New Books: The Patchwork Angel & A Vintage Treasure by Judy Wayand


Sleep my sweet baby

(a lullaby)

by Dolly Braida


The boy with a wish -- all your St. Nicholas questions answered

by Harry B. Knights


Children learning audio tape

by Sister E (E. Hardiman)


( book of poem for kids and young adults

by Christopher Quimonsieur


Book: Come with me to Africa

by Ayesha R. Mahdi


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Breakfast with Sammy

by William Graham, Ph.D.

illustrations by Susan Van Laar

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Dr. Nim and the Strange Quest by Tommy L is the story of Dr. Nim trying to repair his robot: Nombex, ($9.95). Digger Gets Help by Lia Brewer is a story written for children about sexual ($12.95). The Night of the Willies by Professor "Smart" Auklick (illustrated by Troy Hitch) is an exciting story to help children deal with nighttime fears of the dark. ($12.95) This is a collection of very useful, entertaining, and educational books for children, written in a way to grab their attention and deliver the message, at the same time teaching them the intricate lessons about life.

The books are written by professionals who understand children's way of thinking, and both the children and parents as well will find the book educational and entertaining. The books are filled with colorful and beautiful illustrations which are especially very meaningful to children (University Classics, (614)-592-4543).

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