Tina Jordan, Press Director - Book Expo
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Tina in front of the press office at the Book Expo

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Olga Jordan - Tina's Sister, she was helping her younger sister at the Book Expo.

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Los Angeles BookExpo 1999

OUTCRY Magazine, Lara Pub.

Press Coverage - Chicago Book Expo 1998

report by Victor Vidal

Tina Jordan is the Director of Public Relations for the Book Expo. She successfully ran the press room throughout the duration of the show.

Although Tina is an attractive young woman, she did not allow her beauty to compromise the effectiveness of her work. She did a good job handling the press room. For example, while I was in the press room, she noticed a lady wearing the wrong badge. Immediately, she requested the lady to leave, or give her particulars so Tina could issue a press badge. Actually, the questioned lady was  at the time trying to sell me on a book. She requested from Tina if she could finish her conversation with me. Tina agreed. Evidently after the conversation with me ended, Tina noticed that the same lady did not leave the press room. Nicely and politely, Tina escorted the lady out of the press room.

In another situation while I was interviewing Tina, an irate man shouted at her, "Can I get a pass to see Peter Jennings, I don't want to pay twenty bucks to attend the luncheon, just to ask a question?"

"Do you have a press pass?" Tina politely asked.

The man's voice became louder saying, "If I have a ticket, do you think I'll be asking you this question?"

Tina raised her face from her desk with a bitter smile and explained to this guy that he could see Peter Jennings after the luncheon which will be followed by a press conference. The irate guy realized he made a fool of himself, lowered his voice and thanked Tina for her help.

Not too many people could have handled the situation and remained calm as Tina did. When it was over, Tina turned to me victoriously smiling, "I'm sorry you had to experience that incident."

Although I was not in the press room all the time, Tina kept  most of the  situations under control. Above all, she is eloquent, an effective manager and immensely attractive. 


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