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Welcome to OUTCRY Magazine Book Give Away Page Sponsored by Lara Publications |
Books Give Away |
Welcome to our book give away page. Please understand that this is not a gimmick of any kind. We are honestly interested in giving away these books originally donated by the authors and in return for your review. If you are interested in reading and reviewing any of these books, please proceed to select a book you want -- limit one book per customer.
Conditions to Receive a FREE Book
1 Agree to review the book. Reviewing a book after it is read does not have to involve writing a page or even a paragraph -- just a couple of lines will suffice, signed with you name and will be placed in our on-line magazine book review section.
2. Select the book you want using our on-line secured form. For Secured on-line Order Form Click Here
3. Information collected from you is NEVER shared with any party except the author who donated the book.
4. Books are only available as supply last.
5. To prevent Lara Publications from losing a lot of money in the process of giving these books away, we require that you pay for shipping and handling ($6 for book valued from $12 - $20 and $4 for books below $11)
Make a Book Selection From these groups: Check back for more books to come
For Secured on-line Order Form Click Here